Most people think of setting a moving date after they have sold or rented their home. But what if you don’t have a choice? If you’re moving for a job, school, or family reasons you may need to start the packing and moving process before your home is actually sold.
Read MoreLet’s face it; no one really likes to move. No matter how organized and together you are all the packing and taking your home apart can be very stressful. It’s also a lot of extra work to do getting your home ready to move.
Read MoreMoving can be tough on everyone in the household and that includes your pets! If you are planning to move this year and are taking your pets along you should know that it can often be a stressful and scary time for pets.
Read MoreNo matter how far away or close your move seems it can be really hard to know the right time to start packing. Obviously you can’t pack up your entire home weeks before you move; you still have to live there after all.
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Read MoreGuide to moving to Chicago: Information on Chicago neighborhoods and schools. If you’re thinking about moving to Chicago, it is important to get a feel for the city and the different neighborhoods that are located in Chicago.
Read MorePacking is much more convenient, and less tiring when you have a good work area. It is suggested that you clear the kitchen table and do your packing on the table.
Read MoreOur family has a Chicago storage unit that we use for all seasonal things as well as any extra storage we might need over the years. (Every year it seems like we accumulate more stuff!) One of the things I like to store is our winter/ summer clothes.
Read MoreWrapping Paper: You are going to need plenty of wrapping paper. Many people save and use their old newspapers. Keep in mind, however, that the ink on newspapers never thoroughly dries.
Read MoreSome Things to Consider: Start collecting boxes early. An easy way to store cartons so that they won’t require a great deal of storage is to open both ends of the cartons and flatten them out. You can open them up again and re-seal the bottoms with your plastic tape as you are ready to use them.
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