As Chicago’s trusted BBB-accredited moving company since 1962, Boyer-Rosene Moving & Storage is happy to share our knowledge with our clients. If you’re a Chicago resident preparing for a big move, we want you to stay safe! Our residential movers in Chicago have years of experience practicing professional moving techniques. We’ll help you prepare for your journey by giving you some tips on how to prevent an injury while you do some heavy lifting.
Start Your Moving Day Right
One key piece of advice our Chicago long-distance movers would like you to know when you’re getting ready to move is that you should start the day off right. Here’s what we do to make sure we’re at our best for every moving project:
- Get a Full Night’s Rest
- Eat a Filling, Nutritious Breakfast
- Stay Hydrated with Water and Electrolyte Drinks
- Make Sure You Feel Well
Doing these things the night before and the morning of your move will put you in the mindset to do your best work. Being in your best state of mind helps you from being injured while moving, because you’ll be more aware of your surrounding and potential dangers.
Dress for the Occasion
Moving day is no time to dress fancy. We recommend fellow Chicago residents wear comfortable clothes that are flexible without being baggy. Close-toed shoes are vital, and steel-toed shoes are preferred. Make sure to wear clothes that won’t catch on corners or pieces of furniture easily.
Use Proper Techniques for Lifting
YouTube is full of informational videos about the proper lifting techniques you’ll want to use while moving heavy items. Some of the most important points to keep in mind are that you should hold heavy items close to your body while lifting them, and you shouldn’t lift by bending forwards. Try and keep your back straight as much as possible.
Limit the Amount of Weight per Box
The simplest way to avoid carrying a box that’s too heavy? Keep your boxes light by not overstuffing them. It’s much safer to lift many small boxes that aren’t very heavy as opposed to a few big boxes that are jam-packed with everything.
Keep Your Pathways Clear
Our Chicago long-distance movers know it’s always important to keep your pathways to the moving truck clear. Make sure there aren’t stray boxes, items, or loose carpets taking up floor space while you move. Keeping everything as organized as possible will make the whole process go faster, too.
Call Our Residential Movers in Chicago for More Information!
As an agent of Bekins Van Line, Boyer-Rosene Moving & Storage is a professional, nationwide moving company with a crew of experienced professionals in Chicago. Our team would like to offer even more information about how to stay safe during a move when you call our residential movers in Chicago today! You can also contact our team by filling out our easy online form.
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